Thursday, December 21, 2006
11:30 PM
Oh bummer!! I'm 24.
And the next thing I know, I'm going to be 25, 26, 27, 28 and then end up being married!!! Lol... Boy, time rushes by so quickly.
Anyway, my mum and sisters gave me a surprise gift. Oh how I love surprises. You should have seen my face when I was tricked. This is how the present looks like.

Okay, let's continue the story here. So when I opened up the present, it was a shoe box with size 39. As I was opening the tapes on the box, I asked them, isn't size 39 a big size for me?? When I opened the box, I saw shredded newspaper!!! Hahahah.. I expected shoes and all I saw was shredded newspaper!!! I laughed out loud and took another nicely wrapped gift among the shredded newspaper.
When I opened up, I was speechless for a moment. It was an mp3 Zen Plus!!! I did not expected that from them!! I think I've been complaining too much on my spoilt mp3 to my sisters. Hahaha...
Thank you so much my beloved mum & sisters!! Muacks!!

The Mp3...


Birthday Cake!! So chocolatey!! Yummy!!