Sunday, December 11, 2005
12:25 AM
To My Beloved Mum...
Dearest Mum...
Happy Birthday!!
Semoga mama panjang umur dan murah rezeki...
Semoga mama sihat selalu dan bahagia di samping orang yg disayangi...
Semoga mama tabah selalu jikalau ada perkara-perkara yg mama tak suka terjadi...I know that I've been letting you down lately and kept hiding things from you.
I know you want the best for me and are looking out for me.
But I just want to tell you that I know what I'm doing and I can take care of myself.
I know that you are worried if I made mistakes with my decision.
But mum... everybody makes mistakes.
And even if I were to make mistakes, I can pick up myself and learn from that mistake.
So do not worry k mummy...
I will eventually introduce him to you mummy dearest and things would be okay.
Happy Birthday Mummy!! Luv ya always & forever... Muack!
Would also like to wish happy birthday to 2 of my poly mates... Nurfaezah Bte Abdul Rahman & Ranjanee.
May all good things comes into your life and may you both be happy always with your loved ones...